DiSC Free Training for December 18th Cafe Session
Join us on Saturday, December 18th
8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. California Time
Virtual Men2Men and Women2Women Café
The café will be fun, insightful, and empowering!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86580292605?pwd=a3Z6SHQ1cGJsMW9WbzM0dTFRU2VyUT09
We have provided free DISC personality training to thousands of individuals over the past several years. DISC training allows you to understand yourself better to improve relationships and communications with children, parents, spouses, co-workers, clients, and even new relationships by learning more about you. Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance explain your behavior towards others and the everyday things you do.
FFCA will have all attendees take the online DISC profile. Fill out the inventory like you would with other online personality tests. It's quick and without any obligations. Together with the Jung test and Big Five personality test, the DISC test is one of the most well-known personality tests worldwide.
You will walk us through the information that you want to bring a paper and pen to take notes. We invite you to bring others with you for this end-of-year cafe session for the Men2Men and Women2Women initiatives.
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