
FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email

What Is A Dad?

Support our initiatives as a member (here) and or affiliate (here) today. We bring opportunities of hope, inspiration and support for professionals who desire to improve outcomes for moms, children and dads through healthier relationships. FFCA champions healthy families through many initiatives (social justice, professional conferences, training institutes, networking, fund development strategies, and more...) benefit building healthier communities and challenge all of us to help parents and children. Father's Day is approaching, we look at all the faces of children laughing, playing and inspired by great dads. Yes, we can focus on the millions of children without a father do to his choice to be absent and or unpreventable circumstances. All of us have been affected by our parents! There is not one individual in the world not affected by his or her mom and dad starting before pregnancy from the support and involvement of the parents to and for each other, during pregnancy, post-partum and in the critical first two-years of life. We identify only 16 important contributions a father provides for children all over the world. There are many more and based on the realities of millions of children thriving they are receiving an overflow of these qualities a dad brings. 

Millions of children need the uniqueness that only a father can give to his daughter and or son. We celebrate Dads Around the World but this is an opportunity to get involved helping children without a dad and in growing numbers without a mom present in everyday life. Consider supporting Fathers & Families Coalition of America today as important partner to improve outcomes for children, help moms and dads who are in need of the best support they can get, especially young moms and dads who are in-risk throughout the world that your support fosters opportunities to receive the best resources as together, we can make a difference!


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Healthy Families & Fathers Summer Training Institute

August 10th - 12th

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A Unique Perspective 

Honorable  Arthur L. Burnett Sr., The First African-American U.S. Magistrate Judge

Trauma in the African American community with Black youth living in poverty being subject to or witness to domestic violence, gun shootings and stabbings, young girls subject to incest and young boys forced into gangs when they are good in math.   Review the full written testimony statement submitted to the Washington D.C. City Council on the need to deal with grossly dysfunctional homes many of these children are forced to live in.   Judge Burnett describes why improving education in the schools to 8 hours a day or year round school with a mini break between sessions on one or two weeks for vacation planning cannot be the sole answer.   

Judge Burnett challenges leader’s in Washington, D.C. and across America to come up with a social work program which focuses primarily on the home from the time the mother takes the child home from the hospital and the process of parenting and instilling values in that child between 0-3 as to self-worth, work ethic, striving to achieve and respect for the value of life and all that involves rather than just exist and develop values from the street, and start learning and thirsting for knowledge even at 2-3 years of age.  

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HEARING: "Moving America's Families Forward: Setting Priorities for Reducing Poverty and Expanding Opportunity" MAY 24, 2016 — HEARING     Hearing Information HERETuesday, May 24, 2016 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office BuildingHearing AdvisoryWitness ListGovernor John EnglerPresident, Business RoundtableTestimony (Truth in Testimony)Ms. Karin VanZantExecutive Director, Life Services, CareSourceTestimony (Truth in Testimony)Ms. Olivia GoldenExecutive Director, CLASPTestimony (Truth in Testimony)Mr. Tarren BragdonPresident and Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for Government AccountabilityTestimony (Truth in Testimony)Public Submissions For RecordPlease click here to submit a statement or letter for the recordpage1 img6
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Use Your Influence to Elevate Others | Call for Workshop Proposals - 2017 Conference

"A leader who produces other leaders multiplies their influences."

-John C. Maxwell

18th Annual Families & Fathers National Conference


Never Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017!

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Leadership Institute to Invest Into Yourself

California-based and international influential capacity building assistance/quality improvement training organization prepares to co-host a leadership conference with San Diego-based inteternational leader as well as national strengthening families and fatherhood experts

“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” -Myles Munroe


(San Diego, CA) Effective leadership in restoring families, building healthy communities, and building future leaders. They are just a few of the topics that will be discussed at this year's Without Borders - Restoration of Families Conference.  The event, presented by Fathers & Families Coalition of America and St. Stephen's Cathedral Church of God in Christ, as well as with several high profile religious leaders scheduled to speak. Bishop George D. McKinney, Senior Pastor at St. Stephens Cathedral Church of God in Christ in San Diego, a California Affiliate of Fathers & Families Coalition of America is the Chair of this inaugural conference with Bishop Henry Hearns, Senior Pastor at Livingstone Cathedral Worship Church (another affiliate agency of Fathers & Families Coalition of America), Lancaster, California.

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Love Notes Shown Effective In Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Love Notes Shown Effective In Preventing Teen Pregnancy

The Dibble Institute is thrilled to announce that its relationship skills program, Love Notes, has been added to list of teen pregnancy prevention Evidence Based Programs (EBP) maintained by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Love Notes was included based on statistically significant decreases in sexual activity, increases in contraceptive use, and avoidance of pregnancy.

"We are pleased that we now have proof that relationship skills education is an effective strategy to prevent teen pregnancy, " Kay Reed, Executive Director of The Dibble Institute noted. "It's great to have a new approach that works, especially with high-risk youth between the ages of 14 and 19."

Love Notes, a comprehensive healthy relationship education curriculum written by Marline E. Pearson, teaches young people how to build healthy romantic relationships as well as how to preventing dating violence and avoid unprotected sex. Love Notes was evaluated inCHAMPS (Creating Healthy Adolescents through Meaningful Prevention Services), a 5-year $4.8 million study through the Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville. Anita Barbee, Ph.D. was the Principal Investigator.

The study consisted of a cluster-randomized trial involving over 1,400 youth. Stringent data analyses examined data from 933 at-risk, low-income youth including urban, foster, refugee, and immigrant participants who were recruited from 23 community-based organizations.

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National Foster Care Month

Promoting Positive Connections for Parents

The Children's Bureau, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has estblished May as the  National Foster Care Month 2016

There are also resources available for helping foster parents and caregivers promote healthy connections with families. View our collection of real-life stories that provide first-person accounts of making successful, permanent connections. In addition, access the new Authentic Voices Videos section, a collection of videos that shares the stories of foster and adoptive parents, children, youth, and child welfare professionals, lending insight into issues of belonging, connection, development, and normalcy for children and youth in out-of-home care.

Visit the 2016 National Foster Care Month website today, and let us know your thoughts by taking our survey! For more information, contact Child Welfare Information Gateway at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1.800.394.3366.

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Interfaith & Nonprofit Leadership Conference Open!


“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” - Myles MunroeJuly 28th and 29thEarly Registration Rate Starting at $125.00One Day Only at $75.00

It is hard to grow in dry places. The ability to thrive in climates that go against growth is an amazing attribute of a leader. When you join us in San Diego, the planned program is not a training it is another level! Fathers & Families Coalition of America has been fortunate to work with so many different talented individuals to provide programs from tribal nations in Alaska to an attendee who flew from Japan and a couple from Australia. Unequivocally, this is going to be the deepest transformational event we have ever hosted over the past 18 years!

Front line services to children and families must be educated, trained, supported, and developed professionally in innovative ways to achieve better outcomes for children and families. However, what good is it to have workers, elders, ministers, volunteers and others when a leader needs to invest in themselves. This conference is more than about you that will join us but a transformational opportunity to grow your purpose inwardly, close relationships, family, employees and professional purpose.

San Diego Leadership Conference

LeadershipInterfaithNonprofitConference2016Flyer cover
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Facing The Future – Together | Elevating Families & Fathers4th Annual Healthy Families & Fathers Caribbean ConferenceJune 21st and 22ndKingston, JamaicaThe University of the College of the CaribbeanEarly Registration is Open NowEarly Rate Starting at $75.00

Facing The Future – Together | Elevating Families & Fathers will help expedite change in a region that has rapidly growing poverty and fragmented family formation with increased rates of a lack of paternal involvement. Consequently, it will change the constant conflict of elevation of children to transform into their deeper purpose, which is deeper than just living. FFCA has been asked to bring Jamaica the best of the best faculty members to support functional approaches to transform communities to augment building healthy communities, Jamaica, Caribbean and more.

Changing Lives Together! 

Consider joining us in Kingston as all excess revenue will go back as an investment into the lives of children who live in poverty. Fathers & Families Coalition of America is a 501C3 and our support from your investment will go to support children who live in orphanages. We want to build a purpose driven event to plant seeds of strengthening families and improving outcomes for children. If you want to register, sponsor an attendee and or sponsorship, please contact us today. We will provide a letter of charitable contribution for your generosity.

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By becoming part of our circle of friends, you are inspiring and empowering youth, families and leaders globally. When you connect with Fathers and Families Coalition of America, you will be more effective with the right people, resources and purpose. 

The process of changing our abilities as individuals, parents, professionals, leaders or even organizations involves constant growth. Fathers and Families Coalition of America is calling us to go deeper daily to provide more to help others and to help each of you fulfill your purpose. The core of the ability to increase resources is based on relationship. At the core of FFCA, we are built on relationships. These relationships include parents, grandparents and youth who want to volunteer to support our programs. We have had over 150 volunteers formally recognized in the past few years.

Relationships that have determined to help others Find A Cause Bigger Than Self has allowed our organization to bring together some of the best minds in organizations and practitioners. These core relationships provide professional development for practitioners and leaders to be at their best and be more effective. We have brought together those who have a method to help others find their purpose and achieve their goal through our talented researchers to help transform the seed, the core of organizations to rekindle, revitalize and restore the core power of the organizations.

The essence of our support is to encourage people, professionals and organizations to address building healthy communities by reducing factors that foster fatherlessness. This is the seed of Fathers and Families Coalition of America. Additionally, we will help you as a member examine your core power of purpose. Myopia distorts destiny and often yields to find new relationships, methods and continuous improvement to support the Cause Bigger Than Self. Whatever seed that was put in an organization or person that has passion often needs relationships to help cultivate the specific purpose. FFCA is here to help.

cover final
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Economic Perspectives on Incarceration and the Criminal Justice System

Executive Summary: Calls for criminal justice reform have been mounting in recent years, in large part due to the extraordinarily high levels of incarceration in the United States. Today, the incarcerated population is 4.5 times larger than in 1980, with approximately 2.2 million people in the United States behind bars, including individuals in Federal and State prisons as well as local jails. The push for reform comes from many angles, from the high financial cost of maintaining current levels of incarceration to the humanitarian consequences of detaining more individuals than any other country.

Report Highlights

In recent decades, the U.S. incarcerated population has grown dramatically, despite falling crime rates.Growth in U.S. incarceration has been fueled by criminal justice policies.Interactions with the criminal justice system are disproportionately concentrated among Blacks and Hispanics, poor individuals, and individuals with high rates of mental illness and substance abuse.Economics can provide a useful lens for thinking about the costs and benefits of criminal justice reform.Improving safety and reducing crime are central goals of the criminal justice system.Criminal justice policies have the capacity to reduce crime, but the aggregate crime-reducing benefits of incarceration are small and decline as the incarcerated population grows.Investments in police and policies that improve labor market opportunity and educational attainment are likely to have greater crime-reducing benefits than additional incarceration.The direct government costs of the criminal justice system are significant.Criminal justice policies also generate a number of indirect costs, or collateral consequences, for individuals with criminal records, their families, and their communities.Given the total costs, some criminal justice policies, including increased incarceration, fail a cost-benefit test.

 $ $10 billion dollar increase in incarceration spending would reduce crime by 1 to 4 percent (or 55,000 to 340,000 crimes) and have a net societal benefit of -$8 billion to $1 billion dollars.

o   At the same time, a $10 billion dollar investment in police hiring would decrease crime by 5 to 16 percent (440,000 to 1.5 million crimes) have a net societal benefit of $4 to $38 billion dollars.

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Study on Paternal Impacts for Child Development

Nuevo estudio demuestra que el amor del padre en más importante que el de la madre

 Reported by Despierta, vivimos en una mentira

*Studies are good resources to stimulate efforts to improve professionalism. The report based on a meta-analysis that draw attention  to the impacts of father involvement for child development. Fathers & Families Coalition of America's view is that children need healthy involvement from both mom and dad that contribute different impacts...

Blanco, negro, gordo, delgado, católicos, protestantes, ricos, pobres. No importa cuántos factores sociales, económicos, culturales o religiosas difieren entre las personas, todos tenemos algo en común:venimos al mundo gracias a un padre y una madre, y su amor por nosotros hace toda la diferencia en nuestras vidas.

Según un nuevo estudio, ser amado o rechazado por el padre afecta desarrollo de la personalidad y la personalidad en los niños hasta la edad adulta. En la práctica, esto significa que nuestras relaciones en la infancia, en especial con los padres y otras figuras responsables, forman las características de nuestra personalidad.

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My Brother's Keeper Two-Year Anniversary Report

My Brother’s Keeper 2016 Progress Report Two Years of Expanding Opportunity and Creating Pathways to Success

My Brother's Keeper just released a two-year anniversary report highlighting the achievements of the initiative thus far. This White House initiative was created to address persistent barriers faced by boys and young men of color. Since MBK’s first anniversary report a little more than one year ago, more than 50 additional communities have accepted the My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge, including those in seven new states, independent private sector support for grants and in-kind resources has more than doubled to more than $600 million, and more than 80% of the recommendations the MBK Task Force sent to the President two years ago are complete or on track.

Report Here

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Webinar | Researchers About Measuring Economic Security Outcomes in Fatherhood Programs

A Conversation with Researchers About Measuring Economic Security Outcomes in Fatherhood Programs:

Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. EST

Register Here


A Conversation with Researchers About Measuring Economic Security Outcomes in Fatherhood Programs. Most fatherhood programs seek to improve economic security for participants and their children. This webinar will explore how these outcomes such as employment, earnings, child support payments and financial well-being, are measured using self-reports and agency records. The challenges associated with generating reliable information using each approach will be addressed. We will also discuss qualitative assessments of economic well-being that focus on stable housing, food security and other day-to-day indicators.

Click here for more information about the upcoming webinar. Register here!

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California FFCA Affiliate Webinar on Child Welfare and Youth Relationship Education by The Dibble Institue

Putting Youth Relationship Educationon the Child Welfare Agenda:Findings from Research and Evaluation

Fathers & Families Coalition of Ameica Berkley, California Affiliate, The Dibble Institue is hosting a critical webinar for professionals and parents who share a passion to change the increased impacts from trauma and adverse childhood experiences that require child welfare systems with responsive, evidence based and emergining intervention strategies.

Relationships are important in helping youth achieve their goals and a successful transition into adulthood. Having the skills to manage healthy relationships can make a difference as youth make decisions related to school, employment, and pregnancy prevention. These skills may be especially important for youth involved in or aging out of the child welfare system.

This webinar will provide participants with a better understanding of the importance of healthy relationships for youth in foster care. This webinar also will summarize current research and evaluation evidence on relationship education for youth in foster care.

At the end of this webinar, participants will learn:

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A Special Feature on Fathers & Families Coalition of America 2016

Fathers & Families Coalition of America hosted a special National Families and Fathers 17th Annual Conference, February 16-19, 2016. The feature of this conference that with virtual attendees and in-person reached just shy of 800 individuals throughout the United States and internationally. City Pride Magazine based in Southern California was generous to feature our national conference and agency as we have officially relocated to Southern California to continue supporting the needs of parents, professionals, organizations and leaders globally concerned about strengthening families, improvement of child outcomes with increased father involvement in building healthy communities. 

Read Pages 24-29 and all this special issue Here

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CEUs | Address Trauma in Community Based Programs Fatherhood Programs

Why is continuing education important?Almost every professional career requires some form of continuing education (CE) for continuous professional development and part of Fathers & Families Coalition of America's plan for continous quality improvement of professionals with capacity building assistance of organizations. The Continuing Education for attendees consists of licensing competencies  and classes which insure that practitioners are kept up to date with recent developments, are able to explore new topics in which they may be interested, as well as meet the licensing requirements. FFCA is a leader to give the best opportunity to support the needs of parents, practitioners, agencies and an array of diverse stakeholders. CEUs | Address Trauma in Community Based Programs Fatherhood Programs 

April 20th

FFCA Trauma Informed Care Conference is approved for 5.5 BACB Type II Continuing Education Units.

April 21st

FFCA Trauma Informed Care Conference Day Two (2) is approved for 5.0 BACB Type II Continuing Education Units.


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CEO & President to be Honored at Integration of Responsible Fatherhood within Foster Care Service Forum - Philadelphia, PA

Save the Date!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016 -9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Parkway Central Skyline Room - The Free Library of Philadelphia

1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

The Strong Families Commission Incorporated with the Stoneleigh Foundation will host a Public Forum on Responsible Fatherhood Integration in Philadelphia as part of the ongoing leadership and research focus on Responsible Fatherhood and the Child Welfare Systems. Featured guest and honoree is Mr. James C. Rodríguez, President and Chief Executive Officer of Father & Families Coalition of America. Mr. Rodríguez has been selected for this honor for his vision and commitment to building a national and international network of affiliate entities from around the country dedicated to supporting Strong Families that are welcoming and inclusive of Responsible Fathers.

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The Importance of Community Partnerships Leads to 2016 Conference Video

The Importance of Community Partnerships 

FFCA has been built of relationships not funded programs that were and continue to be centered on community partnerships. Having a minimum of one or two strong community partners is vital to your long-term capacity. Many partnerships have led to the success of our 2016 National Families & Fathers Conference and all previous events FFCA has been a catalyst. Most importantly, partnerships will help make your program stronger and better known in the community ans we are very honored to share the outcome of a community partnership with a special featured video with the Executive Production by City Pride Magazine....


Join us for the 18th Annual National Families & Fathers Conference 

February 27 - March 3, 2017

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About FFCA

Established in 1996 as a grassroots initiative. Incorporated in 2004 as an Arizona nonprofit. Transitioned in 2010 as a national and international professional development and advocacy agency. In 2016 expanded our charter as well as a California nonprofit as we serve our stakeholders as a federal nonprofit 501(C) 3 (EIN 81-1290316) supporting the professional development, quality improvement training of those working with families, parents, children, and building healthy communities with father engagement strategies.

In 2020, we incorporated in Puerto Rico (Corporation No. 453499) with Dr. Aida Díaz Rivera as the President for our Transforming Leadership & Management Institute - Center for Latino Initiatives of Fathers and Families Coalition of America.  


Fathers and Families Coalition of America (FFCA) and Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW, are the authorized users or owners of I Am Going Anyway™, and OAR Leadership Institute ℠, Advanced Practitioner Credential Course ℠  , and associated trademarks on this site. All rights reserved. FFCA does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses, nor may you mirror any of the content from our materials without written consent.

Denisha Lias, MS Econ.
Executive Assistant
Office of the President and CEO
424-225-1323(o) 323-899-7152 (c)
Days of Availability: Monday, Thursday, and Friday 

Dr. Brittany D. Watkins
Coordinator, Community Engagement & Conference Support
Days of Availability: Monday - Thursday 
424-225-1323(o) 202-805-3374 (c)

Fathers & Families Coalition of America

335 E. Albertoni Street,
Suite 200-430, 
Carson, California 90746

Medina Professional Center
Calle Monseñor Torres,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00925

5045 W. Baseline Rd.
Suite 105-216, 
Laveen, Arizona 85339