
FFCA has archived hundreds of policy, research, event, and call to action posts. Call us at +1-424-225-1323 or email

Dynamic Plenary Speakers Added: 18th Annual National Families and Fathers Conference

BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD...Do not miss out - register today


Newly addition of plenary speakers and an inspirational documentary for an enhanced experience when attending the 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference, February 27th - March 3rd (register here today). We are honored to announce the inclusion of the Children’s Bureau an office of the Administration of Children and Families as well as the Office of Family Assistance in featured plenary and presentations.



Our Opening Plenary Session that have a focus on adverse child experiences, foster-care systems, toxic stress, trauma informed care and other meaningful content to address Father Engagement in the Child Welfare systems and other systems of care. This is an important opportunity for attendees to learn from and connect to national leaders on individual and child-wellness.

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Daddy Don't Go Movie Screening at 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference

Daddy Don't Gopureland pictures partners SPECIAL SCREENING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

Join Fathers & Families Coalition of America at our 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference as we host Pureland Pictures as part of a very special screening during our Opening Night Welcome Reception, Tuesday, February 28, 2017 open to all conference guests as you hear why the producers, directors and writers of this powerful documentary show the influence of father on a child's life. This is an emotional relaity of millions of children who's fathers never give up, regardless of life circumstances.

Event Location:

Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel6101 West Century Boulevard. Los Angeles, CA 90045

18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference

Learn More Here 

Daddy Dont Go
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Technical Assistance Institutes: Increase Family Engagement and Activities for Todays Families

tailored technical assistance training 18th annual families and fathers national conference highlights national experts to increase professional development and parent engagement strategies 

Parent engagement through involvement in program governance from the federal levels to local agency policies. February 27, 2017 and March 2nd & 3rd will provide exceptional technical assistance, capacity building and meet the required needs for many professionals. If you are a professional in and/or funded by The Children's Services Bureau, an Office of the Administration for Children and Families the 2016 Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) instruments, reporting guidelines provides requirements for “the continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children” (see section II page 51) to ensure engagement with fathers for those foster-care and child welfare professionals.

As part of Head Start program design and a tenet of NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct(see Section II) formal structures for program governance, programs should regularly involve in supporting children’s development. Head Start Teachers and Family Service Workers, Teachers and other professionals can come for strategic growth using best assessment practices. Increase developing the relationship process with parents, among the hardest criteria for programs to meet.

Program & Professional Improvement Plan

Accredited programs are more likely than nonaccredited programs increase results to families as part of their programmatic activities. The diversity of partnerships for conference attendees allows professionals and parents access to some of the nation’s industry experts working with fathers, families, marriage and leadership development will augment the needs for attendees. Learn new organizational structures, new realigning of ideas and creativity, new ideology of leadership and how to take your practices to mastery of cutting edge and innovative practices for transformational outcomes.  

Extend your abilities during our Pre-Conference Institute Accreditation Day February 27th strategic allegiance for effective Technical Assistance/Training as a benefit to advance the needs of attendees not to do it by themselves… Learn More about each program on our conference program here

Increase your purpose and register today for the 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference. Conference Early Rates ending soon….

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New U.S. Child Support Rule Changes Approved Will Strengthen Families and Improve Outcomes for Children


There are some public policies that many do no understand impact tens of millions of children in the United States. The 2016 final rule changes to the U.S. Child Support Services system will increase opportunities for payments to go to children basing on the ability to provide support. This and other changes will foster opportunities to increase child wellness, strengthen families and co-parenting....

The goal is to set realistic orders so that noncustodial parents pay regularly, rather than setting an unrealistically high order that results in higher rates of nonpayment. At the same time, states retain flexibility in the level of orders they set. The change will also allow those who are supporting parents that lack resources, in very praticial manners access to new information for noncustodial parents that with effective services, will help in the process of tranformation for change.

Read and Learn More- Guidance and Fact Sheet Here

Review the New Rules Change Here


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Early Registration Fees at 18th Annual Families & Fathers Conference

Do not miss out on early conference rates


Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to expand our conference resources, workshops, series of custom trainings, accreditation and training of trainers institutes as well as national awards all embedded in ourNational 18th Annual Families and Fathers Conference. Our new conference program, gives you an in-depth understanding of the impacts for this special conference but it is the potential take-aways to use the information to help your own personal growth and or the high level of information to increase skills and knowledge that will help others transform. This conference is forALLwho want to go deeper and why we have invested to bring you the best conference at modest fees.


Our Early Conference Registration Fees have been extended to help you to prepare for a tremendous event in Los Angeles, California February 27th through March 3rd. I am excited about the content of this program, not taking away from anyone who ever has shared their talents, time and resources making any of the past seventeen events special but this is a new experience. The experience you will have at ourconferencecould be overwhelming, however, the diversity of professionals, workshops and the enormous support of volunteers is what brings the entire experience to fresh and endless opportunities for you to feel thatNever Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017.


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Innovative Collaboration Training Institute Day|National Families & Fathers 2017 Conference

Innovative Collaboration Training Institute DayNational Families & Fathers 2017 Conference

A special program unlike any before 

18th Annual Families & Fathers National Conference

Early registration is open today... 

 Inspiring others to improve outcomes for children...

Breaking the repetitive methods assisting parents, children, individuals for relevant and innovative professional development certificate, accreditation and curricula programs with our series of Collaboration Training Institute Day - February 27, 2017 and a special curriculum training March 2nd & 3rd, 2017.​

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FRPN Webinar: Using Cellphone Technology in Fatherhood Programs and Research 10-4-2016

FRPN Webinar: Using Cellphone Technology in Fatherhood Programs and Research 10-4-2016

FRPN Webinar: Using Cellphone Technology in Fatherhood Programs and Research

Advancements in technology are changing the way we communicate with each other and can have a profound impact in recruitment and engagement of individuals in human services programs.

On Tuesday, October 4 at 12 p.m. EST, the Fatherhood Research & Practice Network (FRPN) will host a free webinar for researchers and practitioners entitled: Using Cellphone Technology in Fatherhood Programs and Research.

Four presentations will be included in this webinar. 

“Engaging low-income parents in school nutrition through the use of text messaging: Text2BHealthy”.  Presenter: Lindsey Zemeir, faculty extension assistant, Food Supplement Nutrition Education Program. Promoting real-time information sharing and peer support through online job clubs: The Newark Smartphone Reentry ProjectPresenter: Naomi Sugie, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, UC Irvine. Using Cellphones to Engage Fathers: The Healthy Start Experience in New Haven, CT. Presenter: Kenn Harris, Director, New Haven Healthy Start and President of the National Healthy Start Association.Using Cellphone Technologies to Engage and Retain Men in Responsible Fathering Services. Presenter: Anna Hayward, Associate Professor, Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare. 

Learn more about the presentations and register for the Oct. 4 FRPN webinar here:

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Social Media Cafe -Engaging Others Effectively 10-11-2016

Social Media Cafe -Engaging Others Effectively

Powered by Fathers & Families Coalition of America as part of our commitment for

Quality Improvement Training

FFCA's special cafe is targeted for professionals and staff who oversee the organization marketing that will connect with families across the Social Media landscape. Training will consist of creating content for Public Service Announcements (PSA); feature several social media platforms, all offering an increased online presence set up by a Facebook Fan Pages, Twitter account, video sharing via YouTube, professional networking via LinkedIn, SEO, and various fatherhood groups and online communities.

Start:   Oct 11 2016, 12:00 PM Eastern

End:    Oct 11 2016, 12:30 PM Eastern

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National Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate 

October 28, 2016

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Special Webinar 9/27 on Trauma and Toxic Stress...

Special Webinar 9/27 on Trauma and Toxic Stress...

Responding to the Impact of Trauma and Toxic Stress Prior to & After a Disaster among Vulnerable Populations: A Faith- and Community-Based Approach

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Register HERE

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1984 Hits

Taking Awareness to Action: October 28th East Regional Institute - New York


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH - 8:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.

Registration Open - Starting at $100.00 Here


Sharon Baptist Head Start - Fathers4Progress Initiative

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Keep You Ahead Of Trends in 2017

Marketing or branding at conferences is a modest investment to engage with target audience at most conferences...but go deepeer with us!

However, Fathers & Families Coalition of America has created a strategy to That Will Keep You Ahead Of Trends in 2017 with a very unique approach that our conference is your conference. Our world is changing faster than ever before, and the ability to understand trends is increasingly competitive. FFCA has a unique reach for most nonprofits that allows us to establish personal relationships, and collaborate with the industry leaders as evident with over 70 professionals placing in a workshop for our 18th Annual Families & Fathers National & International Conference. Starting today, we are leveraging our goodwill to help those who want to support not only our purpose but increase effective branding of their efforts. We have so many talented people and to get your talents to others, our conferences are still the best way to do that.

Today, we start the process of new engagement strategies with professionals and parents to include our first sponsorship and advertisement campaign that is intentionally developed to maximize the potential of our colleagues. FFCA will have a significant change in our website presence that brings over 6million views per year, social media connections to tens of thousands and eNewsletter blogs to over 13000 stakeholders. We understand that placing and advertisement in our conference program and or a corporation sponsorship is truly a blessing but it is a soft return on investment. We plan on leveraging the digital capacity to for a greater return on all of the aforementioned as well as new conference app...  

If you have a talent, book and or product you want to get out to share with others, now is the day to learn more here and collaborate...

2016 Champions: LabCorp, Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving and Nurturing Fathers Program and we hope to increase 


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Coming in 2017! A New Model - Certified Fatherhood Life Coach

Fathers & Families Coalition of America has trained well over 18,000 individuals regarding the impact of fathers on children, families and communities since 2000. We have trained in the thousands to expand their skills as practitioners. Twenty-years ago, the vision to work with fathers started from a collaborative model designed in Arizona that has grown to help others increase globally. Now, we will work with others that are leaders in the field working with fathers as well as those we have worked with training life coaches. The core of our future Fatherhood Life Coach is going to be centered high standards for practitioners who will elevate as coaches. 


If you are interested in the training as a Certified Fatherhood Life Coach that will start with training in our National Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate, incorporating elements from a one-on-one as a reflective process A Nurturing Father’s Journal, under the guidance of Fathers & Families Coalition of America with experts training Life Coaches as we come side-by-side to help professionals in their journey to help others. 

Contact us @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 424-225-1323 to get prepared as a future peer in this new model of professional growth.


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New Grant Funding Opportunity | Fatherhood Programs

Fathers & Families Coalition of America is honored to collaborate with the Fatherhood Research & Practice Network to advance effective and emerging models that improve outcomes for children, communities and parents. The FRPN has issued their third request for proposals (RFP). This RFP is intended to support exploratory and descriptive research that will provide insights into previously unstudied or understudied areas.  They expect to make three to six awards of approximately $20,000 to $50,000.  Proposed studies should consider innovative programs or interventions related to coparenting, employment and economic security, and/or father engagement and effective parenting for low-income fathers. Such studies might include, but would not be limited to:How fatherhood programming can operate effectively and efficiently in rural settings;The use of cognitive behavioral therapy approaches in fatherhood programming;How to engage mothers for coparenting interventions;Interventions to strengthen parenting time with never-married populations;The use of smartphones or other technology for data collection;Text messages to promote positive father engagement/behaviors;Fatherhood programming for specific populations, including Latinos, Native Americans, teen fathers, immigrant fathers and others; or Integrating fatherhood programming into batterer treatment or integrating violence education and prevention into fatherhood programming.

Learn more about this outstanding opportunity here and or contact the staff at the  here

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Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate Training - August 10th




Healthy Families & Fathers Summer Training Institute

Fatherhood Practitioner Certificate Training - Wednesday, August 10th

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Time Is Running Out Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness Today!


Without Borders - Restoration of Families

July 28th & 29th

Conference Program Here

Special Code to Reduce Fees by $50.00 SSCC

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Save The Date - 18th Annual International/National Conference




FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 3, 2017


1918x932 rev
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Creating a Sustainable Environment for the Youth of DC Now! - Highlighting Washington D.C. based Affiliate of Fathers & Families Coalition of America

100 FATHERS INC. WASHINGTON, DC - FFCA AFFILIATE LEADING A NATIONAL DISCUSSION FOR OUR FUTURE - THE FUTURE OF OUR CHILDRENCreating a Sustainable Environment for the Youth of DC Now!Posted on May 23, 2016 by Phillip JacksonThis article is a copy of Black Star post as provided by Commissioner Franklyn Malone, CEO of Fathers Inc., Washington, D.C.

By Franklyn M. Malone, CEO, The 100 Fathers, Inc.

May 23, 2016

There is much concern in the Washington, D.C. area by community leaders about the lack of options presented to our youth in the area of sustainable community programs! After attending a community meeting in the Mayfair community last week with Charles Eaves of the Ward 7 Drug Free Community, it became clear that in order for our community and our youth to co-exist peacefully there must be many more “Sustainable” community supports in place.

The community to prison pipeline only gives us more incarceration. It has created, over the years, an unsustainable alternative that now has “hundreds (and maybe thousands) of returning citizens” to a city that must be prepared to offer jobs, counselling, fatherhood support groups, flexible and accessible social support services, long-term connection services, family re-building services, housing and character enhancement just to name a some of what is needed.

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2011 Hits


Dr. Michael Coombs provided one of the more powerful, holistic, clinically significant, science based and led by spirituality presentation at an event Fathers & Families Coalition of America (soon Fathers & Families Coalition International) has been humbled to host with the talents of leaders, presenters and volunteers globally. June 22, 2016 at the University College of the Caribbean, Dr. Coombs took the audience through a passionate presentation on why if we do not get serious of about fatherlessness, children out of marriage and lack of support for our children we are potentially in danger of a healthy community, society and world. 

Read here for the full powerpoint presentation that Dr. Coombs has allowed for public use through Father & Families Coalition of America.


Read here for the expectional professional, personal and family man journey of Michael Coombs, MD of Jamaica.

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2104 Hits

FATHER'S DAY 2016 | #thatsmydadmovement

That’s My Dad! #thatsmydadmovement

Fathers & Families Coalition of America is humbled to present our 2016 Father's Day highlighted initiative with an exceptional book. Mr. Joe Pellegrino has tirelessly advocated for improving the conditions for children, not only in his home state of New Jersey but as he champions their needs in Cuba, throughout the United States and internationally to increase awareness of the already known. Millions of children have suffered because a lack of father-involvement, however, there are so many good dads and not just for their children but the friends of their children and as role models to many. Today, make this the day that enough is enough with so many young boys and girls with great resiliency having to push through life because a desire to feel loved.... Take this day to be part of one of the greatest moments ever presented to Fathers & Families Coalition of America. Give this as a gift to friends, partners, husbands, dads, grandfathers, godfathers, and every man who is willing to be the man a child deserves so they can shout that is my dad!!!!

Purchase the book below to not only challenge yourself but support a tremendous global cause....


Fathers Say Music Video from Legacy Minded Men on Vimeo.

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2327 Hits

About FFCA

Established in 1996 as a grassroots initiative. Incorporated in 2004 as an Arizona nonprofit. Transitioned in 2010 as a national and international professional development and advocacy agency. In 2016 expanded our charter as well as a California nonprofit as we serve our stakeholders as a federal nonprofit 501(C) 3 (EIN 81-1290316) supporting the professional development, quality improvement training of those working with families, parents, children, and building healthy communities with father engagement strategies.

In 2020, we incorporated in Puerto Rico (Corporation No. 453499) with Dr. Aida Díaz Rivera as the President for our Transforming Leadership & Management Institute - Center for Latino Initiatives of Fathers and Families Coalition of America.  


Fathers and Families Coalition of America (FFCA) and Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW, are the authorized users or owners of I Am Going Anyway™, and OAR Leadership Institute ℠, Advanced Practitioner Credential Course ℠  , and associated trademarks on this site. All rights reserved. FFCA does not grant you any express or implied rights or licenses, nor may you mirror any of the content from our materials without written consent.

Denisha Lias, MS Econ.
Executive Assistant
Office of the President and CEO
424-225-1323(o) 323-899-7152 (c)
Days of Availability: Monday, Thursday, and Friday 

Dr. Brittany D. Watkins
Coordinator, Community Engagement & Conference Support
Days of Availability: Monday - Thursday 
424-225-1323(o) 202-805-3374 (c)

Fathers & Families Coalition of America

335 E. Albertoni Street,
Suite 200-430, 
Carson, California 90746

Medina Professional Center
Calle Monseñor Torres,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00925

5045 W. Baseline Rd.
Suite 105-216, 
Laveen, Arizona 85339