Fathers and Families Coalition of America - South Carolina
FFCA collaborative models is based on growing with us (GWU) through diverse professionals, researchers, organizations and community collaborations, Fathers & Families Coalition of America Affiliate and Membership opportunities are available in South Carolina
Fathers & Families Coalition of America - South Carolina
Iswä Head Start
Fathers & Families Coalition of America affiliate agency, The Catawba Indian Nation. Ms. Melissa Harris, Director of the Iswä Head Start, Board Member for National Indian Head Start Directors Association as well as FFCA Tribal Affiliate Lead that we hope to include other members with Ms. Harris. ISWA Head Start provides comprehensive children’s services for the Catawba Indian Nation. Services are provided through funding from Head Start and the state. As a Head Start program, the primary mission is to provide comprehensive early childhood services for children. All children are provided a safe, nurturing environment in which they are given the opportunity to learn and experience success, with additional services provided to children with special needs. ISWA Head Start ensures that children are provided with medical and dental examinations and nutritious meals. Parents are partners with ISWA Head Start in the education of their children, participating in home visits, parent-teacher conferences, training and numerous avenues of opportunities to make decisions about program operations and services.
1540 Tom Steven Rd., Rock Hill, SC 29730
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