Fathers and Families Coalition of America - Colorado
FFCA collaborative models is based on growing with us (GWU) through diverse professionals, researchers, organizations and community collaborations, Fathers & Families Coalition of America Affiliate and Membership opportunities are available in Colorado
Denver, CO
State of Colorado Department of Human Services - Division for Children and Families Services The Child Welfare Division at DHS works to protect Denver's children and youth from harm by providing services and advocacy while also promoting family stability, respecting diversity and working to strengthen family connections to community resources.
Main Office - Richard T. Castro Human Services Center, 1200 Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80204
Dwayne Meeks, Executive Director for Urban Colors Arts and Mentoring in Denver, Colorado for more than 10 years, Urban Colors Arts and Mentoring has devoted its energy to passionately advocating for families who are under-represented members of our global family. Urban Colors Arts and Mentoring is a not-for-profit-profit 501(c)3 (S) Corporation that prepares fathers and families to meet life's challenges through mentoring and planning while building on existing strengths, developing new beliefs leading to risk reduction and positive outcomes.
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